
The piano is one of the most popular instruments to learn, and of course, it can also be considered one of the most complicated instruments. Don’t let that deter you from diving in and learning how to tickle those ivories, though. As a piano player and a former piano teacher myself, I can give you plenty of advice when it comes to taking on the piano. Here are seven tips you need as you learn this instrument, no matter your goals.

It could be that you’re a young student, or maybe you’re an adult. Perhaps you have aspirations to join a band or write your music. You could just want to learn an instrument as a new hobby. As mentioned in the introduction, these tips are geared towards helping you no matter who you are and what your goals are. One thing you do need to know is that the earlier you start, the better. It’s much easier to take in all the knowledge for learning an instrument when you’re younger, and adult responsibilities aren’t crowding your brain.

That being said, anyone can learn how to play the piano. These days, it can be a little different learning the instrument than it was when I was younger. I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s, and I was teaching piano in the early 2000’s. Even when I was teaching, it was more about sheet music and traditional methods. Nowadays, there are much more online resources available to help you learn and practice.

In essence, the resources that the Internet provides means you have all the answers and instructions you need, even when you’re not in front of your piano teacher. In fact, you don’t even need a piano teacher. However, I suggest that you do have one, but that you may not have to meet with your teacher as often as some people suggest. Once a week would be fine, but you can even have lessons once every two weeks or once a month. However, the main reasons I mention the fact that you need a teacher are for direction and accountability.

Some of the material you learn at first may not seem like it’s so important. However, those scales are important. Make sure you learn and memorize the scales, and you also need to make sure you take hand placement seriously. You’re going to need to know how to keep those hands moving properly as you play more complicated pieces. Beginning to learn how to play the piano is all about the foundation.

The terminology you have to learn may not seem as important to you at times. I know it was like that for me when I was a kid. However, you see those musical terms time and time again as you play new songs. Sheet music does get to be quite advanced, and there is quite a lot to learn. Playing a few treble notes and learning scales is one thing, but see what happens when you throw in the bass clef notes and begin learning songs in different keys. Playing the piano takes great coordination.

While there are plenty of people who have a natural talent for playing the piano, anyone can learn. You will know if it comes easy to you, and you will know if you want to continue to learn. If you’re excited about playing the piano, you’ll keep going. It’s a fun instrument to play, and you’re going to enjoy it for sure as you learn to play different songs.

Don’t feel overwhelmed as you get started. Everyone learns at their pace. Pick your piano teacher wisely. Make sure you have somewhere to practice that is comfortable for you. Do you have a piano at home? I highly suggest that you practice on a piano and not on a keyboard.

It’s going to be best if you do practice daily, especially as you first start learning your instrument. Give it at least 30 minutes each day for practicing. That’s not that much time, and you will be glad you did as you try to retain all that knowledge. Enjoy your new hobby, and soon you will be showcasing your talent.